El martinete, a flamenco matrix ‘cante’

martinete an important flamenco singing

The martinete is one of the main ‘cantes’ (songs) of flamenco and is considered a form of toná. Although its origin is uncertain, most researchers place it in the forges of Jerez, Cádiz and Triana (Seville), places where the Andalusian gypsies used to work, who began to develop these songs. Considered a modality of the […]

Flamenco in the Cartuja, an island near the center of Seville

flamenco tablao in seville el palacio andaluz

Can you enjoy flamenco in the Isla de la Cartuja in Seville? The answer is affirmative and it is that in the Andalusian capital it has many surprises for the visitor many surprises for the visitor. That has a special colour, the song says so, but it is also a city that has many cultural […]

The seguiriya, one of the oldest flamenco styles

seguiriya solemn flamenco style

The seguiriya is one of the oldest flamenco styles that exist and a benchmark of the cantes jondos. It is a style that is characterized by having a dramatic  tone and is considered as the basis of many current songs and dances. Also known as seguirilla, siguerilla or seguiriya, it is one of the pillars […]

What is flamenco art?

what is a flamenco art

What is flamenco art? It seems a question with an easy answer, however, flamenco for many is more than just musical genre. Although from the point of view, let’s say ‘formal’ and resorting to the dictionary, it is defined as “said of a cultural manifestation or of its interpreter: of Andalusian popular character and often […]

Enjoy a flamenco show in a privileged environment in Seville

Seville is synonymous with flamenco. This city, cradled by the Guadalquivir, is a benchmark of Andalusian art, which is why when a visitor decides to spend a few days in the sevillian capital, they must include, in their cultural leisure agenda, enjoy a live flamenco show in a tablao from this city. They are places […]

Flamenco: keys to understanding this art

best flamenco tablao in seville

Flamenco is a very rich musical genre that combines a series of elements that characterize it and at the same time differentiate it from other musical styles. Resources such as palms, zapateado, castanets or flamenco cajón, add to singing, dancing and guitar to give life to a style that is recognized throughout the world. As […]

The lyrics of flamenco singing

Farina is a spanish flamenco singer

Flamenco is much more than singing, dancing and guitar. It is tradition and culture and this is something that is even reflected in the lyrics of flamenco singing. This universal art is the result of miscegenation and, for many, it is also a way of life. This contact with everyday life, with feelings and emotions […]

El Palacio Andaluz whishes you Happy Holidays

El Palacio Andaluz whishes you Happy Holidays

We are about to finish 2019, a year that has been very intense for El Palacio Andaluz, since we have closed one stage and started another. We have inaugurated our new building and changed our location to the Isla de la Cartuja in Seville. We have renewed forces to continue being a reference tablao in Seville […]

The flamenco tablao in Seville, why should you visit one?

flamenco show at tablao in seville

If you visit Seville, we recommend you enjoy Andalusian singing and dancing. Without a doubt, flamenco tablao in Seville is the best place to see a live show. A place impregnated with ‘duende’, in which art and tradition come together to the delight of our senses. The experience of attending a flamenco tablao is unique […]

El Palacio Andaluz inaugurates its new flamenco tablao in Seville

El Palacio Andaluz in Seville

El Palacio Andaluz has inaugurated its new flamenco tablao in Seville with a gala in which it has been assisted by Juan Espadas, mayor of Seville; Antonio Muñoz, Deputy Mayor Delegate of the Area of ​​Urban Habitat, Culture and Tourism; and Amador Sánchez, president of Prodetur, among other personalities. The event was held in the […]