What is the flamenco compass?

A great singer to dance flamenco

Expressions like ‘follow the compass’, ‘do not lose the compass’ or ‘how well do you carry the compass’ are typical of flamenco slang. But what is the flamenco compass and what is the importance for the singing, the dance and the music of this art? Let’s start with the principle, to define what is the […]

El Palacio Andaluz supports Bienal of Flamenco in Seville

El Palacio Andaluz supports the bienal of flamenco in Seville.

The new edition of the Bienal of Flamenco is here. A biannual event that makes the Seville capital the maximum reference of flamenco in the world from September 5 to 30. On this occasion, El Tablao Flamenco El Palacio Andaluz joins La Bienal lights up Seville, the initiative that complements the official program of the festival […]

Flamenco styles: Alegrías y Soleá

Flamenco is an art full of emotions, emotions that is perceived from the lyrics of the songs until the interpretation of artists. Examples of how the feelings are present in this Andalusian art found even in the denomination that is given to some flamenco styles: Alegrías (hapiness) and Soleá (loneliness). Only with the name, we can perceive […]

The first flamenco singers in history

Flamenco is an art that transcends borders wherever it goes, it is a way of life and a culture where infinite sensations and emotions are combined. Today we transport you to this world with the first flamenco singers in history.

Curiosities of flamenco that you have to know

Traje de flamenca

In this article, we have decided to compile some curiosities of flamenco, on its origin, history and relevant data with which we want to broaden your knowledge about this art? Do Ready? Take note.

Flamenco singing: History and Evolution of this Andalusian art

Cafes singers origin tablao flamenco

The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language defines flamenco singing as the ‘gypsi-like Andalusian song’, so there is no doubt that the gypsy people had much to do with the emergence of this artistic expression, a link that is still alive today.

Where to see the best flamenco show in Seville?

Traje de flamenca

If you are planning your holidays in Andalusia and want to see a good flamenco show in Seville, you have to visit El Palacio Andaluz. In our flamenco tablao you can enjoy a pleasant evening in an exceptional atmosphere.

Curiosities about the origin of flamenco art

Origin of flamenco art

The origin of flamenco art is located in the Andalusian region, which makes Seville one of the cradles of flamenco in Andalusia, an art that has become a tourist attraction in this city.