The flamenco singing, how can we classify it?

Singing is one of the three fundamental elements in flamenco, together with dance and the guitar playing. If we take the RAE as a reference, flamenco singing defines it as “the agitated Andalusian song”, or the “most genuine Andalusian song, with a deep feeling”, also known as cante jondo. As with dance or guitar, flamenco […]

The flamenco tablao El Palacio Andaluz moves to the Isla de la Cartuja

Spanish Flamenco Dancer with castanets

From November 27th, El Palacio Andaluz will be open to the public in Matemáticos Rey Pastor y Castro Street, number 4, former Cruzcampo pavilion at the Expo of 92. After almost three decades in the Macarena neighborhood, our flamenco tablao moves to Isla de la Cartuja, a place that can be accessed quickly and easily […]

The flamenco guitar touch, what techniques are used?

The flamenco guitar touch

In a show, dance, singing and flamenco guitar they are linked in perfect harmony offering flamenco in its purest and most authentic state. Seeing a performance, anyone would say that these three elements have always been together, that without one of them, this art is not understood, but the reality is that it has not […]

Origin of Flamenco in Andalusia: Seville, Granada and Jerez de la Frontera

Origin of flamenco in Andalusia

The origin of flamenco in Andalusia is not entirely clear, but the idyll that this art maintains with this land, an idyll that comes from afar. There are those who indicate that flamenco comes from Islamic monochordic songs, while others attribute to the gypsies the introduction of this genre in Andalusian lands. The gypsies arrived […]

New Year’s Eve raffle in Seville of the El Palacio Andaluz

New Year's Eve Draw

Do you want to spend New Year’s Eve in Seville? At El Palacio Andaluz we have a proposal for you. Participate in our raffle and get two tickets for the New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner, which we celebrate in our flamenco tablao, and one night for two people at the Hotel Meliá Lebreros. Our proposal […]

Flamenco in painting

'The dance' is a painting by Joaquin Sorolla

Flamenco is an art that leaves no one indifferent. Throughout its history, it has drawn the attention of different artistic disciplines. From dance, singing and guitarrist we find multiple references in the cinema, literature, sculpture or painting, among others. Perhaps the closest link is that between flamenco and poetry, because it is implicit in the […]

The voice in flamenco singing

singer to dance flamenco

There is no single voice in flamenco singing, nor is it necessary to have a specific type of voice to sing. Singing is part of the essence of flamenco, so much so that this art could not be understood without the intervention of the voice. In fact, in its origin, flamenco was only singing and, […]

Five flamenco artists that you can’t miss

Spanish Flamenco Dancer with castanets

Flamenco is an art that is widespread in the world and one of the reasons is the admiration that flamenco artists arouse abroad, an artist that is, without a doubt, one of the foundations on which this musical genre is based. This discipline has a long history that begins in the eighteenth century, at which […]

Flamenco dance, differences between men and women dancers

Sevillanas is a popular flamenco style

It is not the first time that we discussed the theme of flamenco dance in our blog, although we had not stopped so far in one of the most significant aspects of its execution: the difference between the dance of men and women. Have you noticed that even if they dance the same style, they […]

Flamenco fandango, one of the best known styles

Tablao flamenco in andalucia to see a flamenco show live

The flamenco fandango is one of the best known styles. Some theorists indicate that it is the most primitive song that exists. Of Arabic and Portuguese origin, this style is reminiscent of Portuguese fado and is the result of the mixture of cultures that have influenced its creation. Because the fandango is a style with […]